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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lenovo Skylight: Not Quite a Netbook but Not Quite a Smartphone

If you have been waiting for a gadget that you can carry like a regular phone but has the ability to keep you online all day long (or almost) with a convenient screen and keyboard just like any netbook, then wait no more because Lenovo Skylight is here.

At first glance, it looks like a very sleek netbook and one with a very attractive design. It is very slim and those curves are something we have not yet seen on any netbook. But Lenovo Skylight is NOT exactly a netbook. It seems to be a gadget with a soul of a smartphone trapped in a netbook's body. It is a SMARTBOOK.

Currently, I do not have a lot of information yet about the product. All I know about is what I have learned from this video:

Based on the video, I think that I would rather have a real netbook which can also allow me to go online virtually the whole day, thanks to power-saving technologies we have at present that allow our netbooks to last longer.

I believe Lenovo Skylight caters mainly to web browsing and it won't allow you to do other stuff that you can do on a regular netbook or notebook with its limited hard drive. But as I mentioned, I do not have much information yet on the product. I might be wrong. I'll just give an update on this as soon as I learn more about it. It will come out this spring.
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